Discover the timeless elegance of Lavande Braydale bouquet arrangements, crafted from our locally grown, dried lavender. Perfect for everyone, these bouquets offer a touch of natural beauty that requires no watering or maintenance. The rich purple hue of our lavender remains vibrant for many years, making it an enduring addition to any home. As a family-run agri-tourism business, we pride ourselves on farming over 7 varieties of lavender. Visit us during the months of June and July to experience our fields in full bloom.
Bouquet Arrangements
Shipping is available by Canada Post at checkout. Expected deliveries are 3-5 business days.(these arrangements will come disassembled within the packaging)
Farm pick-up: Pickup is available at the field kiosk within 3-5 days from the order date. Once the items are ready, an email will be sent.